Crocotile 3D v2.0.0 + v2.0.0b
Crocotile 3D » Devlog
v.2.0.0b (October 14, 2022)
- Added: A "Look at crosshair" action in the bones context-menu when right-clicking a bone in the 3d scene.
- Added: A "Look at crosshair" action in the instances context-menu when right-clicking an instance in the 3d scene.
- Added: A way to get the distance between the Crosshair and Gizmo. In the Crosshair section of the Transform panel, click the Get button next to the "Distance to Gizmo" textbox. This can be used to measure distances between things.
- Improved: Imported models and prefabs will use the filename as the Object's name.
- Fixed: Exporting a gltf or dae by right-clicking an Object in the Scene panel would fail.
- Fixed: If bones were transformed while editing the object, undos and redos wouldn't apply those changes if currently editing the object.
- Fixed: Marquee selection of vertices wouldn't select if mouse was hovering over a bone or skinned object during mouse up.
- Fixed: Merging mirrored tiles to the Object wouldn't keep the UV animations.
v.2.0.0 (October 11, 2022)
- Added: Tilesize export option. This setting is used if the Tile Spacing option is greater than 0. Check the Export section of the documentation for more info.
- Added: Option to customize color of 3d crosshair and hover wireframe in the Settings panel.
- Improved: Skinned meshes are now attached to the Object to prevent confusion.
- Improved: Bones have been moved to the Instance list, and Instances can be attached/nested inside bones.
- Improved: If Crocotile isn't open, double-clicking a .crocotile file should open Crocotile and load the scene (after associating the filetype with the program).
- Fixed: Exporting gltf and dae files with textures would sometimes cause incorrect texture names.
- Fixed: Exported .mtl files would sometimes not have materials listed in ascending order.
- Fixed: Right-clicking a nested item in the Scene panel would cause ghost processes when quitting the program, preventing Crocotile from starting again until those processes were stopped.
- Fixed: Skinned objects would disappear at certain camera angles due to frustumculling. Skinned meshes won't be culled now.
- Fixed: Adding tiles to object after skinned wouldn't update the skin.
- Fixed: Undo/redoing wouldn't update skin with new tiles or removed tiles.
- Fixed: Items in Scene panel could be dragged into the wrong list.
- Fixed: If painting directly to 3d tiles, holding Alt would apply tilebrush to the tile being hovered over.
- Fixed: Some vertex weight data was being shared in tiles that were copy/pasted, split, extruded, merged, etc.
- Fixed: Bones would fail to export if they were invisible.
- Fixed: Bones were listed in the export panel when they didn't need to be.
- Fixed: Vertex color painting wouldn't work if "Show" option was enabled in the Skin section of the Transform panel, and no bone was selected.
- Fixed: Could select instances from the instance list in the Scene panel even if they were invisible.
- Fixed: Crocotile wouldn't start on macOS Monterey. Updated nwjs to 65.1 to fix this issue.
- Fixed: Importing an .obj file would fail if it contained point or line data.
- Fixed: Gizmo wouldn't take into account the Base Pixel Unit size if it was changed.
- Fixed: Clicking edges with Edge Selection disabled, would still prevent clicking faces.
- Fixed: Projects using orthographic camera would load as if the viewport is the same size as when saved potentially causing a stretched view.
Remember to report any bugs you may encounter!
Check the Gallery to see creations by Crocotile users:
Also, there is a Discord server where Crocotile users can chat:
Watch youtube videos demonstration Crocotile 3D: Youtube channel
Consider supporting via Patreon!
Files 119 MB
Oct 11, 2022
Crocotile3D_v2.0.0_linux32.tar.gz 160 MB
Oct 11, 2022
Crocotile3D_v2.0.0_linux64.tar.gz 153 MB
Oct 11, 2022 113 MB
Oct 11, 2022 117 MB
Oct 11, 2022
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Crocotile 3D
Use 2d tiles to create 3d models!
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